Underdawg Safety Consultation Services, LLC
Uniquely Qualified
Bud has 40+ years experience as occupational safety and health professional. United States Navy Veteran, Retired Master Chief. Attended the University of Maryland studying Fire Science. Graduated Delta College New Orleans Engineering Graphics and Design.
Certified OSHA Compliance Officer
Certified DOD Police Officer
Principles of Safety Management NEFSC
Graduate OSHA Technical Institute
Certified Naval Fire Fighter
USN Master Training Specialist
USN Gas Free Engineer
USN Ships Fire Marshall
USN Ships Safety Officer
USN Quality Assurance
Vessel, Company, and Facility Security Officer
ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor
ISO 9001:2008/19011:2002 Auditor
ISO 14001:2004 Auditor
49 CFR 40 Professional Collector Instructor
USN Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist
Train the Trainer UNF
Human Resource Management UNF
Defense Equal Opportunity Institute
OSHA 10 & 30 Hour Maritime, Construction, & General Industry
USCG Approved Instructor for:
Basic Auxiliary Plant Operations
Basic Refrigeration & HVAC
Basic Steam Plant
Engineering Plant Maintenance
Competent Person Qualified for:
Trenching & Excavation
Confined Space
Fall Protection
Lock Out Tag Out
Powered Industrial Trucks
Awards & Commendations
USN Commendation for Heroic Achievement
4 USN Commendation Medals
5 USN Achievement Medals
USDOL Leadership Award
USDOL Secretary's Exceptional Achievement Award